Amounts Levied in Administrative Execution Cases
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- Last updated:2024-10-09
- View count:1062
Amounts collected from administrative execution by the Taoyuan Branch,Administrative Enforcement Agency,Ministry of Justice(In 2023, the Taoyuan Branch,Administrative Enforcement Agency,Ministry of Justice collected NT$2,200.86 million,NT$283 million more than in 2022. Of the total amount, the collection from financial and tax cases accounted NT$895.62 million, or 40.7%. It was followed by NT$539.21 million from fees cases ,NT$428.95 million from health insurance cases and NT$337.08 million from fines cases. The last three items accounted for 24.5%,19.5% and 15.3%,respectively. )
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- 11309amounts-english.ods37 KB 2024-10-09 Count Views:1
- 112amounts collected (english).pdf109 KB 2024-01-09 Count Views:37