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Taoyuan Branch,Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


日本語 (Japanese) 日本

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-20
  • View count:260


  (Process Information)


 (Obligor on-site payment process)

  1. 債務者がブランチに行く

    (The obligor to the branch office)

  2. カウンタースタッフの指導

    (Help Desk Staff Guidance)

  3. 主催者の説明

    (Description of the undertaking unit)

   (1) 移送機関には常駐代理人がいません、債務者はレジ係に支払い、領収書を受け取ってください。

      (The transfer agency has no resident agent. The obligor pays the cashier and receives a receipt.)

   (2) 移送機関には常駐代理人がいる、代理人に(或へ)支払い、領収書を受け取ってください。

     (The transfer agency has resident agents. Please pay at the agent of the transfer agency and get a receipt.)


  (Authorities Information)

  1. 受付時間 : 平日9:00-12:3013:30-17:00

    (Authorities Hours9:00-12:3013:30-17:00)

  2. 電話:(03)357-9573


  3. 所在地No.1195,Jhongjheng Rd., Taoyuan City Taoyuan District, 33045.

    (AddressNo.1195,Jhongjheng Rd., Taoyuan City Taoyuan District, 33045.)

位置と地図 (Location and Map)

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